Depression and Anxiety
Are you tired of feeling the blues…? Do you feel isolated? Do you worry excessively? Cry easily? Are you sleeping too much or too little? Are you experiencing panic attacks? Want to say no more to sleepless nights? Stress? S.A.D.?
Depression is NOT all in the mind.
There is hope. There is help. That’s where I come in… I help you to find natural, gentler ways to treat your symptoms. The treatments are effective, improve your overall health, and help restore balance to hormonal levels so you can feel like yourself again.
How can YOU benefit?
You will:
- get relief of your symptoms
- feel like getting out of bed again
- alleviate any physical pain
- sleep better
- improve your memory/mental fogginess
- feel less moody and emotional
- gain tools to help you find inner peace and calm
- be given an individualized treatment plan
- lower your risk of developing severe health conditions related to hormonal issues
How can I help YOU?
I will:
- assess your physical and emotional health
- take a profile of your symptoms
- trace the root cause
- design an individualized treatment program that will help feel like yourself again
Remember there is hope, there is help. I’ve been there so I understand.
You do NOT have to feel “STUCK” (panicky, demotivated, sad, empty, alone). and you can reduce the symptoms you’re experiencing. You CAN feel positive, motivated, confident, and energized -just like the person you were meant to be. Get on with living and reaching out for help is the first step.
You are STRONGER than your depression.